The park is Vincenzo’s reign, who dedicates his energy to it in every season.

With the guidance of a family friend English gardener,

he was able to enhance the value of the 5000 sqm
area creating a natural garden in which precious trees such as centuries-old pines, mulberries and
elms are embraced by oleanders, laurels, Tuscan cypresses and junipers, iceberg, knock out and
sevillana roses, geraniums, solanums and plumbagos

which in monochromatic areas punctuate the green grass.

He is very proud of it and we are grateful for the amazing

scenery the park gives to every event we organize.

Copyright 2017 Villa San Nicolino Sede Legale: Vicolo Chiuso X, 4 Fermo (FM) Partita IVA e Codice Fiscale 01088050446
Contrada Fonte Murata, 2 Morrovalle Scalo, MC Italy Tel: +39-0733-564653