Talking about Villa San Nicolino brings us back to our childhood.

The Villa is located in Morrovalle, in the province of Macerata.

It’s a typical structure of the 1500s, built in 1535 as a outpost of the Papal State.

It was then bought by the Mozzi Counts from Macerata and used as a summer
residence and for hunting purposes.

In second half of the 1700s it became property of the Morrone Mozzi family by marriage between the Countess Rosa Vittoria Morrone and the Count Francesco
Maria Mozzi from Macerata, sealing the families’ union and creating the lineage from whom we descend.

In the same century the S. Vincenzo Chapel was built, which completed the architectonic structure
still today existing along with the stunning park and suggestive view over the hills of Macerata area.

Copyright 2017 Villa San Nicolino Sede Legale: Vicolo Chiuso X, 4 Fermo (FM) Partita IVA e Codice Fiscale 01088050446
Contrada Fonte Murata, 2 Morrovalle Scalo, MC Italy Tel: +39-0733-564653